Lady Positive
In her incredible blog, Cindy shares her beautiful journey with her third daughter Savannah, who has Down Syndrome. Cindy has done an admirable job of opening her heart and accepting the beauty and uniqueness of her own daughter, and encourages others to learn and grow with their own children having Down Syndrome.
Beanpost Farmstead
Over at Beanpostfarmstead Joy writes with heart about the total family homestead experience, with Rudy and Desi full center. Down syndrome doesn't stop these two from participating fully in all areas of family and life, and Joy loves to share how these kiddos bless their family (and the world) in so many ways!
Cedar's Story
Dawn has created a beautiful blog that includes her own journey with her newborn son Cedar, who has Down Syndrome. She also includes the stories of others, and continues to share advice to other mothers. Her story is incredibly authentic and eye-opening, and should be shared with all mothers who are expecting a baby with DS.
One Special World
One World is an incredible upcoming organization that was started by Danielle N. Preiser in honor of her brother and cousin who both have special needs. The club originally started at her high school, and it's goal was to raise money for Fragile X Syndrome research. Danielle's group successfully donated over $40k, and now has raised almost $25k towards a group home for middle- to high functioning adults with special needs. You can read more about Danielle's inspirational story and donate here: ttp://